Originally Posted by smweaver
That's terrible! Do you have access to a replacement plant? Have you successfully transitioned any cattleya species to s/h? I've been a little tempted to try it out, but thankfully (I guess) I've been too cautious to give in and play around with any of the catts. Sorry you lost the warscewiczii.
No replacement plants.

I have had success and failure with s/h, though I think I'm getting the hang of it. My failures are the result of me watering too much, so the roots grow laterally across the media instead of down into the media searching for water. The roots dry out this way and its like they are mounted on rock, so they dry very quickly. I now only water s/h plants when the water level goes down in the bottom of the pot so the roots grow down. Also, I was not using any rooting hormone when transferring plants. More roots equal more success. Unfortunately this plant was one of my early trials and is currently near death in my terrarium (for the extra humidity). I've pretty much written it off, but we'll see. Steve, I do highly recommend s/h, but start off with plants that you don't mind making mistakes with!!