Bud -
If I couldn't read the disk, then I wouldn't be able to even start the install.
Also PAL/SECAM/NTSC etc. are only ways of encoding analogue
video data streams, not putting data on a DVD-R/CD-R. It's the TVs that are fussy about these, not the players.
Neither the internet nor the firewall nor the antivirus was the problem; it was some incompatibility between the version of the SQL software that was on my PC at the time, and the one OrchidWiz was developed on. Aside from the photographs, the software still worked (albeit with errors on startup). This was simply fixed by installing the right version of this incompatible software, the link to which is in my first post. Problems that result in needing to turn those things (AV/FW/Internet) off are generally complete failures to install at all; in general, I would not recommend installing anything with those turned off unless it is specifically required (the manufacturer will normally note this in the install instructions) - and only do it if you trust that manufacturer!
Camille - I spend a large amount of my time fixing computer issues, so although I fired off an email to OrchidWiz, I found the solution before they replied to my emails, and then sent them a "don't worry, I fixed it, and here's how". It's the kind of thing I'll kick the tyres on until I find a solution, particularly if the helpdesk is in another time zone. I had the problem in my lunchbreak, but fixed it in the evening. And no, this problem will not recurr (unless they jump to another version of the SQL thing and my computer doesn't autoupdate to the latest version at some stage). In any case, I'll be wise to it!
In general, googling an error message (the whole thing first, then less and less specific parts of it) will generally lead to some helpful suggestions, and almost inevitably, a fix. It also really really really helps to actually read the whole message. It told me how to fix it at the end, but I stopped reading at ADO.NET, and initially foolishly assumed a .net issue.
Like I always tell people "What do you mean you just clicked OK without reading it? What if it said 'Can I delete MyThesisDataVeryImportant'? How can I help if I don't know what the problem is. Randomly, A Thing Happens is not going to get you closer to fixing it." *facepalm*.