Hi All,
Sorry I've been away from OB for awhile. Wow, I've been busy.
I got hit by an uninsured driver and she totaled my truck so I had to get a new (used) one. There went the money to purchase a new HVAC system for the house. Oh well, maybe next year. One more winter of space heaters won't kill me.
I got promoted at work but I have to work my old job and the new job until I get my replacements trained.
I'm about 1/3 the way through my MBA and I have an A average.
I finished the remodel on my guest room and the kitchen is almost done too. I'm waiting for the gas to be installed.
I've been picking the brain of a local MOS member who is an expert in flasking and seedlings and I've learned a lot about seedling care. I have a new seedling area in my house that has a more even temperature to help get them established before moving them to the greenhouse.
Here are a few pictures of what I've been up to and a couple of bloomers.
The bloomers are:
Den. Mingle's Sapphire
Paph. Double Grey 1/2 album 'Mallingham HCC/AOS x S. Gratrix 1/2 album 'Full Moon'
I'm particularly proud of the Paph. It has a wonderful shape and color. This is the first bloom on this plant and according to Sam / Orchid Inn, it could be award quality. We were hoping for album but the bloom is excellent. This is my first time blooming a brachypetalum. I haven't had much luck with Paphs in the past.
The Den has a wonderful coloring but I wish it had more flowers. I'm thinking that I might try to cross it with a more floriferous plant.
Anyway, that's what is going on in my world.