Ooh, I know this is old, but that's rough IdahoOrchid! Closing a spike in the door!?!
So I'm reviving this thread, to share an experience of mine... I'm sure that others will come along as well, cuz accidents seem to happen to all of us!

This was one of those times, where I'd been working so much (two different places & my own business to boot) and I finally had two days off, where I could get stuff around the house done... And apparently UN-done too...

Lol I had waited a while to be able to have the time to get my clay pots hole-i-fied too!
EDIT: Warning!: This is sarcastically written
This past summer, I had gotten some clay pots, and some drill bits so I could drill holes in these pots, b/c I haven't been able to find any clay "orchid pots" (you know, the kind that come with holes in them all down the sides of the clay pots?) anyways, I was ONLY able to find the
really cheap kind of tile/ceramic/glass drill bits, -Literally all they had-. So, it took ALL DAY to drill like 10 holes in One 4in pot (I did it gently, cuz I didn't wanna break the pot

)... Got that done, potted up my new Phal hybrid, in my
~fancy new orchid pot~, in freshly soaked, brand-new media.

So, the next day/afternoon, I realized my porch needed cleaning, so I mixed up a 10% bleach solution, took all my orchids off the porch & inside ~to protect them from the bleach - just in case~ and went to it.... At this point, I was feeling good about myself... Look at all this stuff I was getting done in this short time!

..Ha!! When I came back inside, I had a dustpan full of stuff to dump in the trash, (& of course I come ~inside~ to use the trash can.. instead of easily throwing all that old media, & dust bunnies, out in the yard!

) I opened the trashcan cabinet, to dump the dustpan ~which meant that the countertop that held the up-side-down crate -that hung ever-so-slightly over the edge- while my orchids innocently sat there on top of it was right behind me~

and when I dropped a piece of bark on the floor, I backed up too fast and too far trying to pick it up and..... ~Oh, did I mention that I had JUST that morning vacuumed, and mopped the whole house?~....and... everything came crashing down to my nice, clean floor... The clay pot ~
my fancy new orchid pot~ had shattered, and landed on top of the Phal that was planted in it,

of the four small (deliciosa - chibae hybrid) leaves, only half of one leaf was not crushed/mamed (sp?) and it was the outer half/end of the leaf. After a month of babying, heat mat, in a plastic tent... It died a slow death
I think I left that mess there (I moved the plants out from under any heavy things.. Etc. but still left everything on the floor) for like 30 min... I needed a cigarette... And to scream, I didn't wanna touch the broom or mop.. I'd just done the WHOLE HOUSE!!! Aggghhh! Lol it's laughable now, but then? Not-so-much!

(I like that "evil" smilie Hehe
