Originally Posted by glengary54
Alright guys, you can stop with the compliments, I'm sitting here blushing. I was taught from a very young age how to share and give of myself, those lessons have stayed with me all these years and has served me well in life. I also believe in Karma, that you get back from the universe what you put out. Plus I absolutely love seeing orchid addicts go crazy when they get a fix.
By the way Bud - it took you long enough to let me know that you actually got the box, they look non the worse for the time they spent squashed in that box.  Oh, and you have the pictures labeled wrong, you have the Ron Williamson and the Frank Smith backwards. Hope you enjoy them!!
What a great attitude! I hope your good karma is returned ten-fold. We need more people with this kind of sentiment. It would make our world a much more beautiful place to live.