It's only seven more!
Like come on, I only just ordered another seven 'chids from Cloud's! It is almost winter and I won't be able to order any more from them! The suckish thing is that I missed the deadline for order submission in order for them to get shipped out on Mon 19th, so I have to wait until Mon 26th for them to be shipped, so they should get here on the 28/29th. I got the following:
MT-LS Angcm. didieri $20
MS Enc. gracilis $15
SS (Lc. Lucky Charms 'SVO' x Mark Jones 'SVO' HCC/AOS) $10
MS Lc. Meadow Gold #10
BS Lctn. Lawless Gloriana 'Yellow' $20
MT-BS Phal. lobbii $20
MS Slc. Smile Again 'Hawaii' AM/AOS $15
All I have to say is that I absolutely LOVE Cloud's, and even though they don't always have a bunch of in bloom 'chids, they have an AWESOME selection, and most of them are very cheap, and are larger than listed, ie. SS are really MS, MS are almost LS, etc. There plants are also VERY VERY healthy!!! OHHH!!! I just love them and I am so happy they are Canadian!!!