I've got the orchid bug again...
In the passed two weeks i have ordered all of the following. I've received a few and am still waiting for others:
Psychopsis Mendenhall v alba 'Yellow Butterfly' (received)
Psychopsis Mariposa 'Mountain' (received)
Psychopsis Mendenhall 'Hildos' FCC/AOS (received)
Miltonia Maui Mist
Odcdm. Mini Mutany 'Spring Fever'
Burr. Austin Powers 'Sweet Summer Morn'
Odm. Serendipity 'Yellow Mellow'
Oncidium Sharry Baby (recieved, the spike was 3ft long but unfortunately broke during shipping)
Blc. Samba Splendor 'Carmela'
Blc. George King 'Serendipity'
Blc. Owen Holmes 'Encore'
Otaara Hwa Yuan Bay 'She Shu'
Blc. Pamela Finney 'Victory'
Lc. Mari's Song 'CTM 217'
Masdevallia Ted Khoe (orange)
Masdevallia Aquarius (yellow)
PHEW! .... that's all of them. My birthday is in 11 days, and i'm afraid of what's next. I think I see an Onc. lanceanum, Psychopsiella limminghei, Dracula vampira, Dracula bella, Vanda Pachara Delight (blue), and a Vanda Robert's Delight (red) in my near future.
I should be saving for a car. I've had my license for quite some time now and yet to have something to drive.