Yeah... We soon learnt to rinse those suckers out and use the purge function to reduce the ant percentage in our air supply. They also quite liked using BCDs, and every time you let some air out when adjusting your buoyancy, you'd send out a little cloud of ants. Cue fish feeding frenzy...!
We also wound up putting 6" / 15cm wide bands of an insecticide called "blue death" all around the poles that the diving gear was hung over. And around our tents, because sleeping in ants is no fun. One of my friends got so
gatvol of ants that she dusted the inside of her tent and came out looking pale and ghostly in the morning, covered in white powder.
Sometimes when you roll down your tent door instead of a living carpet of black ants, you're greeted with baboon spiders the size of side plates (think tarantulas). Once it was even a mamba (a highly venomous snake) - can't remember if it was green or black now. And you have vervet monkeys trying to steal your food all the time. Turn your back for one second and your fruit/bread/whatever is gone!
Ah, the joys of camping in