03-05-2011, 10:02 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2006
Zone: 5b
Location: Michigan
Posts: 3,077
For you raging insomniacs, those 'ho-hum' pics I warned you about
Don't say I didn't give you enough advanced warning before boring you to tears with these flower pics from the East Lansing show. I would advise tying a pillow to your forehead so when you doze off, you don't hurt yourself as your head smacks into your keyboard..........zzzzzzzzzzz...........

Notice how variable Ishpeming is. If contemplating one of these, you might be best off getting one already in bloom.

Personally, I think this is one of the most gorgeous cyms I have ever seen


this one really was the screaming fire engine red it appears in this pic

The color on this masdie is also quite accurate

While the coral color on this little gem came out quite well, I was very disappointed with the pic overall -- just couldn't avoid the glare for whatever reason.


Saw a number of very richly colored besseae hybrids

A truly impressive Tut specimen, courtesy of our very own Little Frog (aka Rob)

And what show would be complete without at least one Psycopsis?

Now wakey, wakey *nudge, nudge* ... off to bed with you.