So, I brought my first orchid home about two or three years ago from Costco, and unidentified Dendrobium. He was an only child until about six months ago when I was out with my husband at a local "tourist" attraction and we brought home our next one, a "Sharry Baby".
Sharry ended up as two plants when I repotted because he was so big.
Soon after, we lost one of our cats and our friends sent us an unidentified Phal. Gorgeous plant, and when I went to repot I found out he was two distinct plants, so now we have two more.
Now we're up to five which is very manageable.
I'll admit that I'm always on the lookout for new ones, but so far nothing has called that hard that I just had to have it... until.... one of my customers gave me a cutting off one of his orchids. He had no ID for it, but it was so pretty I decided THIS would be my next baby.
I searched the internet, and asked a local orchid grower, was directed here, but no one could ID him. Then I found out from y'all about people selling orchids on e-Bay! OMG! I found him! He'll be shipped out Monday!
Then, I found a local grower on this board and went out there today and brought two more home. (A butterfly orchid and Cattleya Warpaint) He's a wonderful person, very patient and informative, and has some gorgeous plants. Hi Jerry!
So, in less than a week on this board I've gone from five plants to eight.
Did I mention that I'm probably getting a few more next week?