Well, I don't think you can really KNOW a person from one picture, so I thought I'd upload a few, to let you know about me over my life. This first one is from when I was young and naive, but my mother loved me:
As I got a little older I learned about taking care of my hair just as I was entering my "vampire" goth stage:
I was part of the "in" crowd in high school, as my yearbook photo clearly shows:
I matured into a fine, young man ready to go out and conquor the world. Here I am just out of college and getting ready to go on a job interview:
Once I actually had a job, I was convinced that I would be able to save the world:
I have been married more than once, but here I am , with my current wife, in a picture taken at our wedding:
And now I'm just a tired old man, who has managed to survive a long life of heartache and disappointment, as you can see: