who names his/her plants? wanna share your names/reasons for doing so?
i'm pretty sure this doesn't apply to those who grow a lot of plants, but i started with a few plants which i named and i am now very fond of. i called my first phal 'daphne', for no particular reason. my second alicera i called 'frederika' after a traveller i met, and when i divided it i got 'fred' and now 'wilma'.
even though i've got a new crop of 10 little seedlings, i'm pretty sure i will keep up the name thing. hopefully my brain can keep everybody's names straight! some of the names (like 'annie' for my total orphan... ? den. - i have no idea what it is; it's too small to even guess!) totally stick. all my housemates know my stanhopea jenishana as 'jennie'.... i'm pretty sure they don't know her 'real' name.
i can't be the only one! it will be fun to see what everyone else has to say.....