My gracious son (George) agreed to care for my orchids while I was gone for over three weeks recently and there were several changes that I suspect were due to his diligent care.
1) My Bulbo in the orchidarium finally broke dormancy with 4 new growths! This is amazing to me in light of the fact I had to remove a leaf due to rot. We are up and running now folks!
2) My seedling Brassia Rex has a new growth. This is a plant that has survived many trials and tribulations and represents the last of the plant I brought home from Hawaii. It means a lot to me to see this guy growing.
3) Gastochilus somai (a mini) has two spikes. Nice job George!
4) The NOID Oncidiums are out in bloom (they were in spike when I left and no bud blasted!)
5) Angraecum didieri has new growth which (hopefully) could be a spike. But even if it is a new shoot, that's good too.
6) Epidendrum ellipticum has a couple new shoots and is always in flower. George was apologetic that he had broken one of the flower spikes, but it just grew a new shoot!
7) Best of all news - my Sherry Baby (which was just sitting with a long spike - doing nothing) has come forth with a new growth shoot!
So all, in all, George is hired for another season and I really need to find his secret. "Cause all I did was leave instructions, and those were based on what I always do. Obviously, I need to take a lesson from him.