Amateur. A word born from the Latin amator,the lover.I cannot put a Dollar value on love [althuogh my last wife cost me a bundle].If I thought about how much I've spent on orchids since 1973,I'd quit now and take up collecting dust bunnies or wierd potato chips.Brad
My mind won't let me go there, either!
I just started in February and have 40 orchids (haven't lost one yet, but give me time), 4 sets of grow lights, several humidity trays, various fertilizers, 3 sets of wire shelves, 2 humidifiers and one very patient and understanding husband.
Now, just don't ask me about my photography hobby!
I guess this tally explains why I can't afford to retire.....
jusat guess: about 200 plants with prices ranging from few to "too many" €s ("too many" is my partner's opinion! not mine); a large Orchidarium with automatic misting system and T5 Lamps; Shelve for all other orchids with corresponding light system; Pots; culture substrats; Fertilizer; Fungicides; insecticides; some friends taking care of them when on holidays and corresponding dinners to say thank to all of them; and so on... do you think that all would have any material value? it depends.. some people would say it is worth a coupel of thousands, others would say it is just a waste of money with no real value at all... and I say "it's part of my life!"
Looking for a misting system? Look no further. Automated misting systems from MistKing are used by multitude of plant enthusiasts and are perfect for Orchids. Systems feature run dry pumps, ZipDrip valve, adjustable black nozzles, per second control! Automatically mist one growing shelf or a greenhouse full of Orchids.