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03-23-2007, 07:38 AM
Orchid Board
Join Date: May 2005
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Location: Ontario, Canada
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Other Orchid Forums
What's wrong with other orchid forums and their owners? I sent an email to a few of them asking if they would like to collaborate and be more open to inter-forum dialogue, so we could become one big community that talks to each other, links to each other's posts and talks more openly - instead of having several semi-independent satellite communities that seem to be in competition with each other. Sort of, if there's something going on at one forum, you make a post about it on another forum to let the others know that something note worthy's taking place. This is the sort of thing we have going on with Heather at SlipperTalk and Peter at BigLeafOrchids (the normal forums!)
By the others, I was basically told OFF and suspected that I'm attempting to steal their forum members and traffic. Complete Paranoia ! They seem to be afraid that if you link out and show your member another site, that automatically run a risk of loose that member. Most of the members are active on other forums any how!
Whatever! It's pretty frustrating at times. I think I'll stop trying to collaborate with other forums and their psycho owners. We will keep on running our dog and pony show here at OrchidBoard the way we've been doing it.
Last edited by Marty; 03-23-2007 at 03:43 PM..

03-23-2007, 01:22 PM
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It is a shame some of the boards are the way they are . They are actually losing members , loss of growing information by not being able to link to a site that might have it . Gin

03-23-2007, 01:32 PM
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Hi Marty,
Don't loose any sleep over the *other* orchid forums that won't play nice.
To the credit of this forum and its members, I have to say this is the nicest, most down to earth forum I have ever been on.
I actually left this boards rival forum (I won't say which one, but I'm sure people can make a good guess) because the people were mean (double mean) and elitist. You couldn't ask anything without getting flamed, ignored, or picked on by the senior members.
I think this forum is fantastic! I think the people I've met so far and talked to are fantastic!
This board makes it safe for newer people to join (like me) and not be afraid to say something or ask a possibly stupid question. That aspect alone in forums should be treated as GOLD because it is such a rare quality these days.
Not to mention this board actually *does things* like the contests and such that actually teach and contribute to overall learning.
I say DOWN with the other forums! Long Live the Orchid Board 

03-23-2007, 01:34 PM
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I have more-or-less left one forum because you could not link to other orchid cannot even mention their names without being censored! There is no need to be so petty. We are all here for one grow orchids. We should be free to exchange ideas and comment whether a given vendor is good or fact, we should encourage it. I would certainly appreciate it if a forum member warned me against a given vendor due to poor plants or service, rather than getting burned. That's why I love Orchid Board...freedom of speech!
I'm not surprised Marty that you got a negative response. Certain forum owners are paranoid to say the least or otherwise are very narrow-minded. There are at least two forums that, for the most part, are always 'chipper, pleasant conversation' automatons...they seem rather emotionless (the Stepford wives come to mind!). I am a member simply to see the nice pictures. For the most part, I don't get much useful information from them.
So hats off to Marty and Heather...job well done!

03-23-2007, 02:31 PM
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I'm a member at several different forums, and they all have different levels of interaction with their members. Some are open, others don't allow people to get off topic, but once you figure out what's going on they are all pretty easy to deal with. Of course, being heavy handed tends to limit the dialogue, and the forum becomes bland and basically a picture show.
This forum does a great job at being inclusive, and especially draws beginning growers in to feel comfortable to ask questions without feeling stupid. Orchid Board has come a long way in a short time!
There are other forums that can be more technical or more political, and I enjoy that but you need a thicker skin......
It's obvious that some of them are insecure about losing members, and that's too bad. If they open up to other forums they will only improve if they have something to offer. Perhaps, they don't have enough faith in their own product?

03-23-2007, 03:03 PM
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...a forum that actually censors everything I feel is starting to die off and it is becoming very evident because the valuable experts are not posting and people have to pretend to be experts!... They have already lost their members, and they don't realize the reason
Last edited by smartie2000; 03-23-2007 at 03:10 PM..

03-23-2007, 04:10 PM
Orchid Board
Join Date: May 2005
Zone: 6b
Location: Ontario, Canada
Posts: 2,517
Originally Posted by Djarum Black
Hi Marty,
To the credit of this forum and its members, I have to say this is the nicest, most down to earth forum I have ever been on.
I actually left this boards rival forum (I won't say which one, but I'm sure people can make a good guess) because the people were mean (double mean) and elitist. You couldn't ask anything without getting flamed, ignored, or picked on by the senior members.
I think this forum is fantastic! I think the people I've met so far and talked to are fantastic!
This board makes it safe for newer people to join (like me) and not be afraid to say something or ask a possibly stupid question. That aspect alone in forums should be treated as GOLD because it is such a rare quality these days.
Not to mention this board actually *does things* like the contests and such that actually teach and contribute to overall learning.
I say DOWN with the other forums! Long Live the Orchid Board 
Nice of you to say that. We do try to curb any flaming at the source. If you notice, our infraction system is in place, but not a single infraction (red card) has been given by a member to another member. We work hard to make OB friendly, without censorship, simply by providing a 'nurturing' environment. Experienced members can talk their stuff, while newbies can be lead by their hand, by the experienced few that don't have huge egos and who are able to drop down to the newbies level to help them out. We should start giving out merit to people for helpful posts
Originally Posted by Toddybear
I have more-or-less left one forum because you could not link to other orchid cannot even mention their names without being censored! There is no need to be so petty. We are all here for one grow orchids. We should be free to exchange ideas and comment whether a given vendor is good or fact, we should encourage it. I would certainly appreciate it if a forum member warned me against a given vendor due to poor plants or service, rather than getting burned. That's why I love Orchid Board...freedom of speech!
Amen to that TBear! If you find a great deal that you can't pass by, by all means let others know. For vendors to post in threads about deals...not sure about that...that's why we have sponsorships (I try to build up to that dedicated server one day so we can run much faster and have even more space  Nevertheless, anyone, vendor or not is always welcomed to place an ad in the classifieds! No need to ask, just place an ad! Doesn't cost anything, either!
Originally Posted by Phantasm
I'm a member at several different forums, and they all have different levels of interaction with their members. Some are open, others don't allow people to get off topic, but once you figure out what's going on they are all pretty easy to deal with. Of course, being heavy handed tends to limit the dialogue, and the forum becomes bland and basically a picture show.
This forum does a great job at being inclusive, and especially draws beginning growers in to feel comfortable to ask questions without feeling stupid. Orchid Board has come a long way in a short time!
There are other forums that can be more technical or more political, and I enjoy that but you need a thicker skin......
It's obvious that some of them are insecure about losing members, and that's too bad. If they open up to other forums they will only improve if they have something to offer. Perhaps, they don't have enough faith in their own product?
Indeed we try to be as inclusive as possible. Possible drawback is that this can bore an expert such as yourself to death, when somone's asking about a phal they got at Home Depot, but if you stick to the more advanced forums, we'll make it more livable for you Phantasm  Everyone was a beginner once. I find forums that diss or don't welcome beginners very cold and uninviting
Originally Posted by smartie2000
...a forum that actually censors everything I feel is starting to die off and it is becoming very evident because the valuable experts are not posting and people have to pretend to be experts!... They have already lost their members, and they don't realize the reason
Yeah, I have a nasty reply from them too... 

03-23-2007, 05:51 PM
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We can all appreciate your willingness to want to join hands and share in this wonderful world of orchids where a wealth of knowledge can be shared, maybe they are jealous of what you have here at the OB. We do have the best around the web because we care about our members, we all started the same way, one question at a time. Before I came to the OB, I was fishing for a comfortable forum that would make me feel like no question is to silly to ask and in response getting a less than judgemental answer.
I feel they are jealous of what you have here, the openness, friendly happy community, where we are all alike in hobby and no one to judge us of our fruitless wrong-doings, like "how could you have let it go that long" which is a response I got from another forum....well like shoot me in the foot or if we come across a nice one at the depot, so be it...just makes my collection one more than I had the day before.
In a's there loss.

03-23-2007, 07:31 PM
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pl. com·mu·ni·ties
A group of people having common interests: the scientific community; the international business community.
Similarity or identity: a community of interests. Sharing, participation, and fellowship.
...this is what we have here at Orchidboard 
We all started with one plant and we all had our own "stupid" questions. What I've come to relize is that there are NO stupid questions...asking for the input of somebody who has more experience than you, in any matter, is the way we learn.
I appreciate the willingness our members have to share the knowledge they've accumulated with those of us just starting in our adventure.
I've learned so much on this site and because of that, I've been able to help some that!
People who want to spend their valuable time in an open, friendly environment while learning how to grow these lovely plants will find their way here on their own...
and we welcome them all 

03-23-2007, 07:45 PM
Jr. Member
Join Date: Jun 2006
Posts: 21
I know how you feel, I have a similar problem with my Clivia Forum, another Clivia discussion group admin does not like to approve my posts, as I have a link back to my site, even though I clearly promote their site on my fourm. I feel the more co-opperation we have the better for our hobbies
I belong to about 15 forums and even though I do not get to them daily, I do check in from time to time, and I feel that is my choice, it should not be up to a moderator to decide where I should be spending my forum time
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