-I'm 21.
-Growing for 9 months +/-
-I am a full time student and half time employee
-I'm not a OS member (yet)
-I would subscribe to an OS newsletter
-I would LOVE OS videos
-I would join a facebook fan page if it seemed like it was updated regularly
-I don't have a twitter account
-I'd use an OS forum, again if it seemed like it wasn't a dead zone simply there for the sake of being there
-I would definitely subscribe to an article feed
-I would buy OS member sales on craigslist if I wasn't able to make it to meetings and knew/trusted the people selling the plants
-Finances are what has held me back from joining my OS. So, as a student, if i were offered a free, or discounted membership, i would absolutely join
-I dunno about free membership under 30, I think it would need to be within reason. I work with people that are 25 and making over 100 thousand a year
-I'd never turn down a discount at local nurseries, no matter the percentage, but I'm not sure what they would get out of the deal. Higher sales volume, I'm sure, but would it balance out for them?
-I would love to tour anyone's gardens of any variety!
8 - a good selection of reasonably priced orchids for sale at every meeting
7 - a good selection of raffle orchids
8 - weekend meetings
6 - more young members
9 - knowledgeable members
10 - friendly members. I went to one event as a non-member visitor and found a surprisingly rude person selling raffle tickets. I knew I wasn't allowed to buy them as a non-member, but I don't think it's ridiculous that I should want to ask questions about how the raffle works

9 - interesting presentations
8 - an extensive orchid library
As I said, a main reason I am not a member of my local OS is that I'm not entirely sure it'd be financially realistic for me. I mean I know it's really only going to be the cost of 1 orchid each year, but as it were, I feel like I'd be happier with the orchid than the membership. From what I've seen, I'd probably be the youngest person at any of the given events. That doesn't necessarily bother
me, but I don't know how anyone else would feel about it. Also, I have other sources for information about plants, so I'm not sure information seeking would be motivation enough, at this point, for me to shell over enough money to feed myself for a few days.