So our local Orchid Society had its annual member orchid swap/sale this past Sunday.
I had so much fun. Our members are so generous. Everyone just kept giving me stuff to try, plus I bought and traded some too.
Here is my haul with my notes so I don't have to type it twice
Epi ibaguense - 3 cuttings
Epi cinnabarinum - $1 for a 4" pot (plant is 2' tall with 3 stems)
Mc tibicinis - 1 BIG cutting
Mau Queen Adelia 'Kiilani' - $3 for a 6" pot (plant is HUGE)
Bulb lasiochilum - 2 cuttings
Bulb maximum (aka purpuratum) - 2 cuttings
Bulb biflorum - 2 cuttings
Bulb lobbii 'Kathy's Gold' AM/AOX - 1 cutting
Coel ovalis - 4" pot mature plant
Cym Golden Elf 'Sundust' AM/AOS - $1 for a 4" pot
Cym Sunshine Falls 'Butterball' - $3 for a 6" pot (fully mature plant)
Den Waianae Valley 'Ruffles' - $5 for a 8" pot (HUGE plant, will need repotting immediately into a 10" or a mount)
Phal equestris - 2 NBS plants
Den Gatton Sunray - 1 BS plant (I'm not sure if this is a clone or a cutting from the original plant)
Phal Mountain Gold x Carmela's Wonder - $3 for a 6" pot (HUGE and needs repotting)
Paph Mr. Toro x Wilhalminae 'Wiz' - 1 NBS plant
Lc Blazing Treat - $3 for a 6" pot
Dtps Mountain Splendor x Phal Asagiri no Tsuki - $3 for a 6" pot (HUGE and needs repotting)
Stan (species - need to check) - 1 NBS plant
V (species - need to check) - $5 for a 10" pot (HUGE 2 1/2' tall, but tag washed out. Terete leafed.)
Den Nestor 'Laura' AM/AOS - 3 cuttings
Den anosmum var alba - 1 keiki
Brs Rex Sakata - $5 for a 5" pot (needs water)
Brs Spider's Feast 'Highland' AM/AOS - $3 for a 5" pot (needs water)
Dtps Casablanca Joy x Phal Taisuco Kaaladian - $3 for a 4" pot (needs repotting and check crown)
Phaius tankervilliae 'Chasus' HCC/AOS x self
Brs caudata var alba 'Jem' JC/AOS - $3 for a 4" pot (needs water)
And these are just the NAMED plants...OMG at the end of the day, the club needed someone to take the rest of the NOIDs as we lovingly call them. They gave me the rest which came out to about 27 orchids.
22 are Catt or Catt hybrids and 5 are Phals.
Total spent $36 by me. I think hubby spent $1.
This also gave me an excuse to tell hubby to get rid of the "other" tropical plants in the GH so we can make room for 'chids'
The Memphis Orchid Society is GREAT! Oh and I got something called an orchid cactus and some cuban oregano (non-edible). I'll have to read up on those.
All in all it was a GREAT day! Thanks for letting me brag.