Great collection Al! Someday I hope to have a collection of species phals like that!
On pronunciation, we probably should follow "proper" Roman latin pronunciations, but I have always gone by "pronounce it however you want, as long as all the letters are there and you don't add any extras." Many scientific names are latinized versions of names or non-latin words, so I don't think there are any "rules" set in stone. As several people have pointed out already, it depends on what language you speak and the roots of that language. It even varies within a language. One of my horticulture professors pronounces the double i as "eye" and I say "ee-eye". She says Orchidacee-ee, I say Orchidace-ae (long "a", just to be clear").
Bottom line, it's not the end of the world if you pronounce it differently than someone else. Besides, we Americans just love to break the "rules" and mess everyone else up!
