So I walk into the bakery department at my local grocery store. My mission? To get the birthday cake my daughter wants for her 12th birthday.
I'm in my Avenged Sevenfold black T with the red winged skull motif on the front, and I begin describing my special cake order to the bakery girl.
Its not too hard an daughter wanted vanilla cake, with chocolate frosting, and a dragon on top.
Ummm.....they don't have dragons.
BUT WAIT! They have SONYA!
Sonya, the girl assures me, can draw ANYTHING on a cake. She can even make it 3-D!
So Sonya is busy doing another cake, and she looks over and says, "Oh wow nice shirt. I could even do THAT on a cake!" and I go on to describe that we need a blue and green dragon, flames, the whole nine yards. No problem, she says.
I go to get the cake today, and it was better than I could have EVER imagined! I was so very pleased! I told her, "You should be a tattoo flash artist!" to which she replied, "Well, I used to be until I came to work here".
I knew after I saw the cake she was into tattoos. Just call it intuition. I myself have a large seadragon tattooed on my left shoulder. He has neat horns and he's holding out a pearl to his love, the mermaid tattooed on my right shoulder.
But enuff of that, here's the cake: