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Old 05-12-2009, 10:51 PM
Angurek Angurek is offline
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Describe the fragrance. Male
Talking Describe the fragrance.

Describe the fragrance (or odor) of orchids you own or have come across.

I'm curious to see how each person articulates the fragrances. What smells like one thing to one person may smell completely different to another.

To start off:

Rhynchostylis gigantea - Orange tea. If you ever put a bag of orange tea in hot water, you've got the fragrance.
My NOID Cattleya - Plumeria, with a cinnamony background. The faded flowers actually smell like cinnamon sticks for a while.
Miltonidium Hawaiian sunset - Rubbery, almost like pondwater where ducks have been swimming (this one's hard to describe).
Zygoneria Adelaide meadows - I picked up two fragrances on this one. In the day, it had a strong, citrusy narcissus smell. At night, it smelled like citrus with hyacinth in the background.
Oncidium Sharry Baby - Sweet, almost like chocolate.
Vanda denisonia - Orange flowers, but slightly more soapy.
Degarmoara Winter Wonderland - Licorice. The blooms of this plant smell stronger when they're wet or when it's later in the day.
Maxillaria tenuifolia - Some variation here. Most of the ones I've smelled had a strong coconut/suntan oil scent. On one of my trips to Utah a few years back, though, I came across several that smelled like fresh propane (It wasn't the greenhouse!)
Caularthron bicornutum - Sweet citrus
Cycnoches chlorochilon - A blend of tulips and narcissus.
Bollopetalum Midnight Blue - This one isn't fragrant most of the time, but if you smell it at just the right time in the morning, it has a soft floral scent.

I'm gonna be out of town when my three new plants bloom, so I'll have to wait until I get back to smell them. I'll keep you guys posted.

Last edited by Angurek; 05-13-2009 at 12:02 AM..
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Old 05-12-2009, 10:55 PM
snow snow is offline
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i have some minnie phal noids, that smell like shoe polish
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describe, fragrance, orange, smell, smelled

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