Bev -
My main objective in leading this was to get a nice discount for all OB members who attended which I did including parking
The plants, stickers and buttons were secondary but a fun pleasure as I so enjoyed making the buttons and letting you have the Kaffir lilies (Clivia) ..
you did me a favor by taking them!
Here is the cultural information on them .. but I gave you the info that is covered here ..
Clivia - put them out in the summer .. bright lighted shaded area ( they will melt in the sun! ) .. bring them in right before the frost .. keep anywhere they won't get too cold .. water once a month .. and forget them until the spring where they go out til the fall .. you can fertilizer spring thru the fall but once inside .. cut way back on fertilizing in their monthly watering ..
Otherwise I have neglected them and they always spike for me .. they love a little cold snap in the autumn .. so leave them out just before the weather turns real cold ..
They won't spike until they have grown 12-14 leaves so the ones you have are near bloom size .. give them til next year or the year after for a spiked bouquet ..
North American Clivia Society: Caring for Clivia
Clivia Nutrition
Bev - if you ever want to give your kids away .. I'll take them .. they are great ... I love all 3 of them ..
I'll get on that Hannah Montana button for Jess