Orchid Procurement Pet Peeves
Just wanted to briefly rant about a couple of things that consistently happen to me when buying orchids. Feel free to respond or go on your own self-medicating rant about something entirely different.
1.) Communicating an orchid maturity by pot size, but the put is only half full of orchid. This is straight up lying and it happens a lot. Yesterday it was a 2", but since you dropped the 2" mesh pot into a 4" and surrounded it with fresh bark does not mean its now a 4" plant and you can charge double.
2.) Multiple tiny plants sold as one plant. This sucks because it adds years to the blooming expectancy, again making the maturity value wrong. I know this can happen unintentionally, but I know it happens intentionally too. I just bought a dowiana seedling from a very respected grower that was actually 3 little plants. They were recently mounted so I know the person that did it did it intentionally in order to sell the small ones. This seller publishes a list periodically and this was the last one he had available. Its fraud, I don't need duplicate orchids, I have limited space. I want an orchid that will bloom before I die.
I feel better now.
Last edited by Clawhammer; 10-06-2022 at 12:26 PM..