Roots roots roots roots roots! Why do I like 'em so much? I dunno, but I just find them beautiful when they're healthy. Maybe I also like them because I can usually see the growth from day to day.

New roots on Brassocattleya Hawaiian Agenda Florida Winter. It was taken from the pot it was shipped in around Mother's Day this year and mounted, and almost all roots were lost within two days. The root on the right isn't damaged as far as I know, it just went into a hole in the bark.

Roots of three orchids, Phalaenopsis NoID above, Dendrobium NoID middle, and mini Phalaenopsis NoID below.

The first new root I've seen on Brassavola nodosa.

The first two roots on the same B. nodosa to anchor to the cork.

Dracula diabola in a vivarium being watered with low pH but high TDS aquarium water wicking up the mount. The roots were dying faster than they were growing for a while but to the left of the new growth in the green moss there's a root attached to the mount and it's still got a good tip, and at the bottom there's a root that looks good. Since this photo was taken some new roots have emerged under that new growth, I don't want to get my hopes up but I think it just might work.