Didn't know where to post this, so I hope the Orchid Lounge is okay.
I just wanted a place where I could talk about what I've done with my orchids and what's going on with them. I have too much time on my hands and I need to get all the orchid enthusiasm out of my system somehow.
I could've posted it to the Phalaenopsis section, but since I'm planning on getting some Paphs in the future, it didn't feel quite fitting.
If anyone else wants to share their "orchid diary" here as well, that would be awesome.
Anyway, here I go. Warning, wall of text incoming!
Yesterday, I repotted my one and only Phal. 'Magic Art' and it took me four hours to do so. No, I didn't run into the forest and scrape bark off the trees to use in the substrate, even though one might think so.
I started by removing it from the pot and the media it was in just fell off. It hadn't rooted itself at all after the grower put it into the pot and it had no growing roots at all. The root system was perfectly fine and healthy though with only a few squishy parts. The peat-plug also came off very easily.
After that, I sprayed the foliage with water + soap and rinsed it with water (I'm a tad paranoid about unwanted guests at the moment). I hung it it upside down to dry and get all water out of the crown. This is what took so long. Took a picture of it since it looked so dumb:
While it was drying, I went out on the balcony and tried my hand at making extra holes + slits on the pot using the soldering iron I bought earlier this week. It worked splendidly, but my skills need some serious work. It looked like something a five-year old might've made (and that's mean to all talented kids out there).
Then it was time to pot it and it took about an hour and a half, as I tried to be very gentle and not harm any roots. I potted it in straight, medium-sized bark, with sphagnum on top and two packing peanuts in the middle.
Now, it stands in the world's ugliest pot and with both spikes drunkenly pointing in different directions.

Oh well, as longs as it works I'm happy.
It's the first time I'm using a pot with slits in the sides and so far I'm very happy with it. The substrate is drying out more evenly and the condensation is more of a fog on the side facing the window, instead of large water droplets as it was previously. I realize I'll have to water more frequently, but I prefer that over the poor roots swimming in condensation.
And all that's left is to see if I can care for it and make it grow.
Oh, got an email from Schwerter that they are going to ship my order on Monday, then I got an email from DHL letting me know that they've shipped it?!

I could check the tracking today and it seems the data about my order has been sent to DHL, but not the package yet. Phew! That scared me!
The beginning of next week will be spent furiously refreshing DHL's Track & Trace page.
EDIT: Forgot to add what Jon was up to while I was busy with the plant: