I have a possibly odd request... Could I get a list of oncidiums/hybrids that produce some of the biggest pseudobulbs? I'm not sure what it is but there's something about an Oncid with enormous plump pseudobulbs that just brings me joy. I've got (and at one point had a much healthier) Onc. Sphacelatum and it's magnificent, I'd like to have more just like her but perhaps with some variety

For some reason I'm attracted to the biggest and the smallest of everything, especially with this genus. My windowsills are sprinkled with most miniature varieties I've been able to get my hands on but the biggest guys are harder to come by!
I'm growing in a full south exposure windowsill, with shades up between the glass and the orchids. It hits highs of about 85 in the summer and gets down to roughly 45-50 in the coldest nights of winter, decent humidity (55-65%) and what could be considered high light, though I've got a desk a little away from it that's medium shade. First true post to the forum, figured I'd get it going with a bang!