what else does one look for when he enjoys both miltonia's and brassia's? a Miltassia!!!
got this one from the little greenhouse on the prairie. has about 20 to 30 bulbs in a 10" pot all with at least 1 new bulb shoot..will need a 12" pot..a total of 6 spikes so far and 1 double bloom ahead of the rest

Ill get a pic of the whole plant for ye eyes bec I know you all like pics..The guy that sold this one to me I overheard him tell his assistant " we need to start cutting some of these plants"..

was the best 26 bucks I spent this week. I could divide this one as its about to fall apart anyway its so huge, but I really love the big old established specimen look you get from them .I'm going to to leave it be for now until after its done blooming..then maybe give mom a bulb..I would find it easier to give her a kidney..

. no really
heh ...