Oncidium 'Emperor'
兰花洋兰跳舞兰 迷你文心兰苗室内盆栽 芳香 可可黄莺 带花剑花苞
huangwei wenxinlan = emperor oncidium
This is complicated. ID'ing plants in China is very different and quite difficult for me, because I cannot speak Chinese.
I purchased the above oncidium-like plants online with a large Chinese online retailer. The plants arrived in spike in beautiful condition. They bloomed not too long after. I was able to track-down the actual greenhouse bio-tech grower in Fuzhou China. I looked up Oncidium 'Emperor' surfing the internet, and my plants clearly were different. I came across Bapticidium Hwuluduen Chameleon 'Colorful Lake' and yes my plants are unmistakably the same identical plant.
After doing some research, the Taiwan Hwuluduen grower no longer exists. However, there are 2 other large Taiwan greenhouse/growers that do export this plant.
The first 4 pics are of my plants and the 5th pic is that of Bapticidium Hwuluduen Chameleon 'Colorful Lake' from a Taiwan grower.
So, should I label my plants Oncidium 'Emperor' or Bapticidium Hwuluduem Chameleon 'Colorful Lake'? Thanks for reading this very unimportant thread.
Last edited by gjanick2; 07-18-2018 at 04:50 AM..
Reason: Changing the plant name