When to re-pot my new Shelob Tolkien?
I bought this plant yesterday from Laurence Hobbs Orchids’ stand at the Royal Horticultural Society Tatton Park Show. It has one spike in flower and two more in bud. There are so many pseudobulbs that it’s hard to count them but it’s something like ten or twelve and there is one new growth at one end of the rhizome and two at the other, from which it’s produced the spikes.
I’d say to call it congested in its 12cm pot would be an understatement! My instinct would be to re-pot immediately but with three spikes to potentially lose that seems an overreaction. If I soak the pot as I would my other orchids and spray the exposed roots a couple of times a day will that keep it happy until the last flower fades? That could be quite a while, of course.