Originally Posted by Luv2lopeqhs
Oh How Lovely!!! I was really excited to see this post....as I just purchased a Miltonia Robsan's Blush from a local grower this past weekend. I didn't know exactly what the flower looked like she said it was a pink/light lilac color and I really have liked a lot of the miltona's and miltassia's I've seen so
I bought it. Now I Can't wait to flower mine out 
What a coincidence, huh?
I've never seen this hybrid for sale other than all those years ago when I bought it, but I'm glad to hear other people still have it and are still selling it.
I've got some small divisions I'm working with now. The problem is, I let the other clump get too big and go too long before dividing it and repotting. Then it got to the point where I had to do it, but it was the wrong time of year (mid-winter) so they struggled a bit.