I got this plant from the nursery discount rack 2 1/2 years ago - it was out of bloom AND the tag had been lost, so all I could figure out is that it's an oncidium hybrid of some kind. It was one of my first orchids, and it took me a few months to figure out how often it really wanted to be watered (a couple times a week).
Last year, since it hadn't bloomed after so long, I realized that it probably also wanted more light, and so in maybe late spring/early summer I put it into one of the brightest south-facing windows I have, and it went into spike in late fall! It took about 4 weeks for all the flowers to open once the first one bloomed.
I made an attempt to find an ID for it, and found some Sharry Baby pictures that look like a good match (that was a surprise, I didn't know there was a Sharry Baby in these colors), but I can rarely detect any fragrance from my plant. Sometimes I think it is easy to pick up scent when it's had some good sunlight on it, but it's winter in Portland, so there haven't been many lengthy stretches of sun.
Anyway, whatever it is, it's been a gratifying plant to have around