Meshaara is a type of complex hybrid in the Oncidium alliance combining 5 genera (Gomesa x Leochilus x Macradenia x Oncidium x Rodrigezia). Complex hybrids like this rarely have highly specific needs, it all evens out. General care instructions for warm growing Oncidium intergenerics are easy to find and exactly what it needs. The most important thing is probably that it gets watered regularly but dries out quickly - mounted or in media with excellent drainage and aeration.
Meshaara Chian-Tzy Ruby is a registered hybrid. I presume this is a cross with one named Chian-Tzy Golden Chocolate, but that isn't a registered name so I don't know exactly what it is. It shouldn't make any difference in the needs of a Meshaara hybrid. Good luck.
Last edited by PaphMadMan; 10-02-2016 at 11:03 AM..