Be careful... By chanve, if you try another genre you'll want one of each kind of them too.
You may end up with more than 28.000 plants.
You'll need a pool to water them.
Beautiful flower. The shape reminds me of odontoglossums so maybe there is a bit of both in mixed in there.
I wanted one of each type too but ended up thinking well maybe I should get two of each type in case I kill one... I have 26 orchids indoors and 2 cymbidiums outdoors. I am still not satisfied... I remember when 25 orchids was my limit and I've crossed it already. Not saying you will end up getting hooked but it's a slippery slope!
....Not saying you will end up getting hooked but it's a slippery slope!
How many does it take to get hooked? My girlfriend said she wanted a greenhouse so I built her one, only to hog it for the orchids I've been collecting. The Indian giver that I am.