Miltoniopsis Fungal Infection
I bought this Miltoniopsis in the beginning of May because of how full the plant was, and because there were numerous flowering stocks. Recently I have begun to notice that there are tiny black dots on the undersides of the leaves. They are about the size of a pinhead. Also, there are two leaves that are yellowed at the top, both having these dots. Near the pseudobulbs, there are two leaves that have some browning occurring. I have attached pictures for references. I have searched the internet for possible diagnosis, but none of the fungal diseases seem to look like this.
The plant does have some new growth on is, and appears to be happy. I keep the plant moist, but not overly wet. It is outside right now in complete shade, and the temps are in the high 70s to 80 in the day, and the 60s to 50s in the evening. The humidity is also pretty high at around 60-80% on average. I haven't sprayed it yet because I don't want to damage the flowers, but I plan on using a copper soap after I clip all the stocks.
Please let me know what your thoughts are!