I have a Brassia that can not be killed. It can take all the abuse and still flower for me.
The new growth should send out new roots the old growth might not. I don't cut all the old roots because sometimes the old roots can send out new roots. But it the roots are really YUK cut them.
Since you are potting it into new bark you might want to water a little more because new bark does not hold water very well untill it is water logged a bit.
Never give up on an orchids unless it is All Brown if you have green there is hope. I have a beallara orchid that only had one yuky looking bulb that was turning blackish. I thought it was a goner but kept it because I still saw green. Well I repotted it and sat it aside and kind of gave up on it. Well guess what I have 2 new growths on it now.
Don't ever give up on an orchid they will shock you most of the time. In the end they will reward you too.