Unsure of the state of my Burr. Nelly Isler
Hello all,
I am a new user and recently got my first orchid after not having any for a few years. I have only had a few Phalaenopsis' before with varying success. I have now ordered some books about orchids in hopes of being able to take care of them properly.
I got this Nelly Isler just before Christmas and it has been blooming nicely. A tip of one leaf on one of the small pseudobulbs was a little yellow/brown from start, and over the weeks this has spread, as seen in the pictures. Since these pictures were taken, I have cut off the brown parts and added cinnamon to the ends (as I have read is good). I wouldn't be too worried if this happened on the bigger pseudobulb, but this is on a small (new?) one, so I think there might be something wrong with the roots.
I suspect my apartment has too low humidity for this orchid, but I try to help it by having a bowl of hot water next to the orchid sometimes.
I have been watering it every 7th to 10th day. It's tricky to know when to water it, because the plastic pot is white. I am considering buying a transparent plastic pot with more holes and repot it, but I have read I should wait with this until the flowers have fallen off. On the other hand, I'd like to know if something is wrong with the roots.
Also, despite watering it the day before the pictures were taken, the pseudobulbs are wrinkly. Is this a reason for concern?
I hope someone can provide some advice. I'd really like to keep it alive despite not living in the best conditions for this orchid.
Best regards