Originally Posted by katrina
I've heard suavis is one of the easier ones to grow. I haven't had mine but maybe a year and it's definitely easier than some of my other Trich species. I say give it a shot. My easiest grower is Charles...Trpla. suavis x Trpla. marginata...great grower and reliable bloomer. The one that's proving toughest for me, from a foliage standpoint, is turialbae.
Carter and Holmes has some nice suavis right now. Small but a really reasonable price for this one. I paid a good deal more for the one I got last year. They also have the tortillis (I got one from them earlier this year) so suavis could have a travel partner. 
Plus Cochleanthes discolor is right above them on the page, and they have an intermediate-growing Dracula hybrid on sale.
C&H had both tortilis and suavis on special earlier in 2015, and I looked at them long and hard. But C&H lists them as cool to intermediate growing, and I find many growers are rather optimistic about warmth tolerance, so I held off. With the information somebody in Austin is growing suavis in a greenhouse, maybe I'll reconsider.
I put the cooler growers in a back bathroom, my coolest room, during the summer. I was able to keep one of five Scadoxus cyrtanthiflorus seeds alive through the summer and now it's growing like gangbusters.