The stars really did align for me today! Not only did my partner and I celebrate our one-year anniversary tonight (two days early), but he bought me some orchids from Trader Joe's today to spoil me.
We went to one TJ's near the restaurant we ate at and it had mostly phals and cyms, but then I said we should check out the one near home in case it had some more interesting ones. Boy did they have them there!
Lately I have really been wanting a pink miltoniopsis orchid, and I have been wanting a Beallara Lunatic Fringe "Ike's Yikes" since last fall, but I passed the one in the store up to save money.
Well BOTH were at the store (and I am probably going back there tomorrow because I think they had an oncidium twinkle or something very similar in bud), and they were each $13, and he bought me both of them.
Boy oh boy, I'm so happy today!
And to top it all off, the miltoniopsis has about 7 bulbs and both orchids have second spikes coming up so they will be in bloom for a LONG time!
Happy Valentine's Day, everyone, and if someone didn't spoil you, you should spoil yourself because you deserve it!
I am about to run out of space, oh my gosh!
EDIT: I may have found an ID for the pink miltoniopsis. It may be Miltoniopsis Emotion Angel 4n (Emoi x Nyasa), and the link to my more detailed post can be found here: