I hope midterm went well for you.
Orchid shopping sounds great for treating yourself!
I love miltoniopsis and don't read too much into what you find on the internet regarding their culture as it is mostly outdated and incorrect for most part.
I always liked them but started to buy (and sometimes grow) them just a couple of years ago because of what I read about them. mainly the part that says they are cool growers.
All the species except for one, do come from cool zone, high cloud mountain where it is always nice and cool , and highly humid.
As I understand modern breeding created hybrids that are more temperature tolerant.
I thought I would try them and bought my first 7 on a single day. I know, crazy, right?
Well, I was surprised by how long these delicate looking flowers last. 2 months always! I can only imagine how much longer they might last under ideal conditions.
And that super nice fragrance!!!! It's the best thing I ever smelled!!! Note that not all of them are scented, but the ones that are, will be super!
So my first summer with them is when I realized that they are not at all cool growers. They sent up so many shoots that I thought I was growing chives! lol
Watering is a challenge and I think this is where the lower humidity issue comes in, or you really have to come up with a great potting mix option that stay moist. Water them good during the active growth or the newly developing leaves will easily accordion and if bad enough, then that entire growth is done!
I think you will do much better in Oregon. The climate is good I believe.
Wet is NO NO!!! You will rot the roots out in no time that way. Yours most likely came in 'dirt' mix which stays wet too long. You want to water good and then let it just dry out before watering again.
You really don't have to worry too much but once the new shoots develop, that's when watering can become a real challenge.
Always err on the dryer side than wet side. As long as you dont' let the plants bone dry too long in between watering, you will be fine.
Regarding light, they are not low light plant.
Without enough light, you won't see flowers.
So another wrong information floating around on the net.
Now, regarding the 4 spikes, it's actually common.
Most of them will have 2-3 spikes per pb, or the plants are not good.
One last issues I have, this is related to humidity and temperature.
When new flowers open under my care, they won't open all the way and the flowers often reduced in size.
When they rebloom during the hot months, the red part (like your second flower) will be almost washed out.
I love that second one by the way. I have bought many that looked like that. Some were fragrant and some were not.
Good luck!!!