New miltoniopsis orchids - SO MANY SPIKES!! (fragrant)
Hey everyone!
Today, after my midterm, I thought I would go for a relaxing orchid window shopping evening.
Window shopping became financially irresponsibility in the form of, "OH MY GOD THEY HAVE MILTONIOPSIS ORCHIDS!!!!"
And here they are!!
I have some questions about them:
1- There are like, 4 spikes coming off ONE pseudobulb on the lighter orchid. One is misshapen and dried up, but two are out and ready to bloom, and I found TWO more hidden down in the leaves. Check out the pictures! It is mind-boggling!!
My question is: Is the plant going to be okay with all these spikes, or will they drain too much energy, and I ought to cut them?
2- How do I not kill these? I plan to water twice per week along with all my other oncidium alliance orchids, but I have heard that miltonias love EVEN MORE water and prefer to stay a bit wet all the time?
3- Light- Can I have these hang out in the shadows? I am under the impression that miltoniopsis are a low-light plant. I live in a small dorm room with south-facing windows and 200sqft, so options are limited.
Thanks, all! Enjoy the pictures! I'm excited, because the dark-flowered plant has probably 6 new pseudobulbs forming, so this plant is going to be really well established!
Update- these are FRAGRANT! The white one has the smell of a watered down rose- light and delicate, and less sweet than roses.
The dark one has the smell of... something I can't place. It's like the smell of a rose, the general "floral" scent, and the smell of freshly broken sweet baby carrots mixed all into one. Or ... it smells sort of how carrots taste when you chew them? Plus a "floral"? I love it!
Last edited by astrid; 01-29-2015 at 07:12 PM..