Originally Posted by Bcarpenter
I've read that once the pseudobulbs are completed you should withhold water and then only heavily mist every second day. Do you find this to be the case?
No... I treat all of my Psychopsis the same all the time. And they thrive. (A couple of them I have had for about 20 years) I water every day or two in summer because they dry out fast, leave them a bit longer in winter. I just pot them in a very open medium that doesn't tend to break down (like medium-large Orchiata bark, perhaps with some perlite or pumice) because they hate having roots disturbed, and do like to dry out between waterings. I only repot when they have to be up-potted, try to disturb roots as little as possible.
Akhenaten, I think I jumped in where this was addressed to you ... what is your experience with these?