I rescued a new orchid today. Need ID ideas.
I decided to drive about 40 minutes to a garden center I had never been to before. The orchid display was pretty large with many different varieties. Prices were awfully high, but this place is located in more of an upscale area. While they had a few nice things, there was nothing jumping out at me. Then I saw a sign that said "SALE". I wandered over to the sale section to see what there was, and it was 90% orchids! Some of them looking rather sad, while others seemed totally healthy just not in spike, or had gone by. I picked up an oncidium type for 75% off. I have no idea what it is or will look like, but I'm hopeful I can rehabilitate it. It was the healthiest looking plant on the table! I have already repotted it in spagnum because it was totally water-logged. The only distinguishing thing that differentiates it from my other oncidiums is that the pseudobulbs are more round and very fat vs. my twinke and wilcat which have more teardrop shaped or elongated Pbulbs.
I will try and post a picture, but until then any ideas what I might have adopted?
Last edited by stella3; 03-07-2014 at 02:34 PM..
Reason: spelling