Two of three blooming for me for the first time.
First, Odm Black Diamond (Odm.Jim Mintsiveris x Odm. Nobile), a white with dark spots from Golden Gate Orchids I purchased last June. I was amazed at the number of blooms and two spikes
Second, the fading blooms of Odontoglossum Geyser Gold, also with two spikes, it seems to have been in bloom for months but now fading.
And finally a deep waxy red single blossom of Odontioda Keith Gasnell x Odt Harry Baldwin, purchased at a flower show in March 2012, with three small bulbs, tiny half cut off leaves, two spindly spikes each with two or three blooms. It grew a healthy larger pseudobulb over the summer and this winter started throwing off what promised to be a thick spike carrying many flowers, until one rainy January night it became snail chow. But then, as if to make promises to me of things to come, it sent off a second thin spike with one, massive, deep red waxy flower. The new growth promises to be bigger still so I am expecting a beautiful display next winter.