Oncidiums are very diverse group yet many take basically the same care.
Fairly high light and lots of water while growing.
I see that you are in Arizona, but since you are growing s/h, the low humidity should not matter much and the roots will love the continuous supply of water.
So many beautiful ones to choose from, but since many get quite tall and large, I would also recommend something small like Twinkle (there are different colors mainly white, yellow and red), and typical yellow dancing lady, which grows well and flower every 5-6 months, but the spike may get rather too tall for under light set up.
If you can find it, I have Odontocidium Sunlight "NN" that is about the same size as Twinkle, but scent is very nice and strong, flowers last longer than any oncidiums I've tried. 4 months now...
You might also want to try tolumnias, which ae very small. but again, the spikes get a bit tall.