Congrats on the rebloom!
I love the color and the shape of the mask.
Judging by the shape of the flowers, yours is more warmth tolerant variety.
The ones with more round and "fuller" shape are more of "diva".
I see lots of miltoniopsis (mainly about four different varieties) offered at TJs since February and actually bought four.
They almost always seem to look very dehydrated. maybe suffered too much from travelling.
Even the hard picked fresh looking ones I did buy died (flowers) in less than two weeks.
I have bought so many of these from other places and they last a lot longer than I expected.
I absolutely love them!
I have hard time keeping them from getting all pleated.
Of so many that I boght in the past year, I did keep about three I really liked and never seen again anywhere. They are big plants with tons of new growths, unfortunately I dried them too much and the new growths all look too weak to bloom this year.
I should divide them up and take better care this year.
At the moment, I am enjoying my newst miltoniopsis. so pretty and smells nice!
Also, one of the recent purchase that finished flowering is shooting up another spike with quite a few buds on it. yay!!!