I have a miniature variety of this grex called sunlight 'NN' which has a yellow lip with intense citrus scent.
The scent is almost none on this one. The white lips on flowers really stand out in the shade or in the dark background, while the entire flowers glow in the bright light. The flowers are flat with very little curling and have pointy edge, which I like.
The plant has two spikes on two pbs. One carrying reddish flowers and the other copper toned flowers just like 'NN' or 'Pesky Panther'.
Many people left nice comment on this plant, one lady asked me if the flowers are real.
It has one new growth, which is not doing much. The plant looks very dehydrate with all the pbs super wrinkled up and very little roots it seems.
I am waiting until the flowers are done so I can repot the plant.