So I stopped by Julie's shop, my new found favorite orchid store since last fall when I accidently and unexpectedly found the store.
They carry tons of den. nobile and cymbidiums. Tis the season, I guess.
Tonight, I saw they had little dendrobium kingianum. I used to see them all the time in the spring in my home country, but never saw one here in the US. so I was quite excited to see it.
I bought two of the little kingianum and one miltonia (but I know it should be called miltoniopsis) yellow/dark markings. It is the smallest of this type I've seen so far. Three pb with two to three spikes each. a bit smaller flowers for type, but lots of them!
It did come with a red name tag with some dates, which I assume it was the day seedling was put into a nursery, maybe way off.

then it says Miltonia Mukoyama with some number. I searched online and in no time, I learned that it was bred by Japanese orchid company Mukoyama, but the actual name is Lovely Patty.
All I know about this type of orchid is that they do not like heat. so I'm not sure what to do with them in the summer.
Anyone growing these "miltoniopsis" ?
These pictures are taken using my phone. I will take better pictures and post over the weekend.
First two pictures show they're still in the shopping bag while I was carrying them on the subway.