Thanks all for the nice comments
I think of my orchids as little beings, so I don't want this one to feel like the ugly duckling or get bad vibes. It's a sturdy little thing to bloom at such a small size too!
WhiteRabbit, this one seems to have more scent than some of my other milts. Odd tho because at night it is faintly sweet and in the morning it has quite a strong almost lemony scent!
RJSquirrel, I tried to smell the leaves but I think the flower smell keeps getting in my nose
Thru the winter I had these under fairly good light levels (3000 fc maybe) and I really think that makes a difference. On the Floraculture website they say they push it to 4000 fc. They have a little less now, only because I have moved them to a cooler spot for summer. I hope to add more light soon.