Originally Posted by Maree
Is it illegal to post the same pictures under two different forums? Sorry 
I actually got it a year ago. The kind of orchid that I couldn't resist, but never thought would rebloom. I noticed the spike about 2 weeks ago and the next thing I knew it was blooming. The stars all opened up within a few hours. 
It doesn't really matter, just confused me because I was reading 'new posts' and commented then a couple of posts later saw the same thing withought my comment and thought I was going mad

I even looked at the list again to see if I could see two versions of it and couldn't so must have missed it.
As Camille has said, when showing off blooms it doesn't really matter. When asking advice it can mean that people miss the advice others have given or additional info that has been asked for in one and not the other.
No problem...really nice blooms and glad to see them twice