Premature Spike Formation on Odontioda Stirbic
I bought a gorgeous Odontioda Stirbic in April. After the flowers died off, it started producing two new shoots which I expected would develop into nice pseudobulbs. However, before the bulbs could mature and get plump, the orchid shot off two very spindly, pathetic flower spikes (nothing like the two very thick spikes that it had when I bought it in flower).
I'm assuming this is likely because I have it in a spot (southern exposure, but shaded by blinds when the sun is direct) that's too warm -- can anyone weigh in on what might be causing this? I feed it every 7-10 days using the weakly/weekly method, using Schultz orchid food (which I think is a bloom booster formula). I can't imagine these new spikes are going to amount to much, so I'm curious about what I should do next.