Originally Posted by shadytrake
Well I thought I gave good instructions to hubby about "weakly" but it seems like he is the "kill with kindness" type.
I made a 25% concentrated solution of MSU per First Ray's website instructions and based on that and using the fertilizer PPM calculator, I thought he was using 1tsp/quart in our feeding spray bottle. If I am using the calculator correctly, this comes out as:
3.25N .75P 3.75K
4 tsp / gallon = 172ppm N 17ppm P 164ppm K
Come to find out he was using approximately 3 tsp/quart which is 515ppm N 52ppm P 493ppm K.
Okay that part of the mystery is solved. I had a discussion with hubby about "killing with kindness" and advised him that we need to put the orchids on a diet.
Based on this and your advise about the light, maybe we'll get some blooms next year.
Junebug - I definitely agree about the tight pot fit. These guys all have great root systems and are nearly to the overflow on the pots and there will be no repotting of these until I get some blooms. 
Sometimes we have to practice "Tough Love".

I wouldn't repot pot them either. You might try some verbal threats too or place a garbage can near them.